Paris Xyntarianos Tsiropinas

Doctoral Candidate

Postal Address: Konstantinopouleos 2, Hermoupolis, Syros, 84100, Greece
Phone: 22810-97152
Email: parisxt[αt]
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Paris Xyntarianos Tsiropinas was born in Chios in 1987. He is a PhD candidate in the Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering at the University of the Aegean. He has graduated from the undergraduate program of the same department (2013) and holds a master’s degree from the school ELISAVA – Barcelona School of Design and Engineering (2015), in illustration and comics.

He works as a street artist mainly creating large-scale murals. He has presented solo and group artworks, with his group Really? Team, in various parts of Greece (Athens, Thessaloniki, Chios, Lesvos, Syros, etc.). Occasionally, he also works as a designer (brand designer, graphic designer, character designer and 3D modeller), illustrator and musician. His interests include photography, production and direction of audiovisual works (music videos, animation works), writing and acting.

His research interests revolve around Design, Art and Creation, focusing on the design processes that precede, are subject to and follow the creation of Street Artworks and their qualitative and quantitative relation to Design, regarding impact, performance, productivity and user experience.

Research topics

  • Arts & Humanities
  • Art & Science
  • Design
  • Creative Thinking
  • Creativity & Innovation
  • Drawing
  • Design Intent, Theory & Thinking
  • Ideation
  • Illustration
  • Performing Arts
  • Product Design & Development
  • Service Design
  • Systems Design
  • Sketching

Selected Publications

  • Xyntarianos Tsiropinas, P., Bofylatos, S. (2020). Understanding the city as Habitat and Habitus: the case of Stray Art Festival, a Sustainable Street Art Festival
  • Xyntarianos Tsiropinas, P., Bailas, K. & Spyrou, T. (2019). Photon Painter: A robotic device that transfers drawings onto a large surface area using laser beam on photomechanical reaction materials
  • Xyntarianos Tsiropinas, P., Bitouni, T. & Stampoulidis, G. (2019). The “black-and-white mural” in Polytechneio : Meaning-making, Materiality, and Heritagization of Contemporary Street Art in Athens
  • Xyntarianos Tsiropinas, P., Bofylatos, S. & Spyrou, T. (2018). Remixing Heritage, a Case Study in the Application of Street Art in Cultural Capital
  • Xyntarianos Tsiropinas, P., Bailas, K. & Spyrou, T. (2018). Using Design to Support the Creation of Street Art: A three-phase experiment supported by the DDArtS system
  • Xyntarianos Tsiropinas, P. (2017) Design Workshop:The Case of Creating a Stencil Mural
  • Xyntarianos Tsiropinas, P., Spyrou, T. & Tsesmetzoglou, O. (2017). SAV-IT: A software tool for interpreting and presenting dynamic Street Art image maps
  • Xyntarianos Tsiropinas, P., Spyrou, T. (2017). The Process of Transferring a Draft Sketch from Small to Large Scale in order to Create Street Artworks: A Case Study Supported by the “DDArtS” System
  • Xyntarianos Tsiropinas, P., Spyrou, T. (2016). DDArtS: Towards Designing Digitally Enhanced Street Art Tools