Designing within complex systems: leveraging tacit knowledge to identify interventions for sustainable futures
In this PhD project Helen Charoupia is involved in practice-based design research in the intersection of the field of complex adaptive systems and the field of decision-making in the design process, through the lens of climate and social justice. Through her research, she hopes to identify the ways with which tacit knowledge (knowledge that is difficult to express or extract, and thus more difficult to transfer to others by means of writing it down or verbalising it) emerges through the entanglement of human and non-human participants in the design process – and how such knowledge can be appropriately leveraged to lead the involved communities to just and sustainable futures.
A Framework for Normative Design Ethics based on an Organizational Account of Moral Agency
In this PhD project, Andrianos is studying ethical issues in design and technology. His main research question is why it is important to take moral aspects into consideration during the design process, and how these aspects can be viewed through an organizational / complex systems approach. All this with the ultimate goal to ensure that design produces good outcomes.