
In Press

Arnellos A, (forthcoming). Collaboration and the Evolution of Biological Complexity: an Organizational Perspective. In: Mossio M, (Ed) Organisation in Biology: Foundational enquiries into a scientific blind spot. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge MA

Edited Volumes, Special Issues

Xenakis, I., & Arnellos, A., (Eds.). (2017). SI:Aesthetic perception. Volume 47C, New Ideas in Psychology, Elsevier.

Journal papers, Book chapters


Megremi, A. S., Darzentas, J., & Darzentas, J. (2024). How a holistic approach to ASD & neuropsychology could contribute to design for autism more effectively. International Journal of Autism, 4(1), 1–10.
Monna, V., & Charoupia, H. (2024). Power Relations in Participatory Design Practices in Small and Remote Places. In D. Fassi, A. De Rosa, I. Eller, & M. Dumiak (Eds.), The Story of Creative Works with Ten Small Communities (1st ed., pp. 149–158). Birkhäuser.


Bartzoka, K., Charoupia, H., & Bofylatos, S. (2023). Creative communities in action: Ecosystems of social innovation in remote places (M. Nikšič & N. Goršič, Eds.; pp. 19–26). Kataložni zapis o publikaciji (CIP) pripravili v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici v Ljubljani.
Xenakis, I., & Arnellos, A. (2023). Ontological and conceptual challenges in the study of aesthetic experience. Philosophical Psychology, 36(0), 510–552.


Arnellos, A., & Moreno, A. (2022). Cognitive functions are not reducible to biological ones: the case of minimal visual perception. Biology & Philosophy, 37(4), 35.
Bofylatos, S. (2022). Upcycling Systems Design, Developing a Methodology through Design. Sustainability, 14(2), 600.
Bofylatos, S., & Azariadis, P. (2022). Supporting the emergence of Indian design through design and innovation centres – A methodological approach. The Design Journal, 25(4), 537–555.
Charoupia, H., & Bofylatos, S. (2022). Adopting Biomimicry in Design Problem Framing: a proposed application of a post-dualist systemic design process. RSD11: Possibilities & Practices Of Systemic Design. RSD11, Brighton, United Kingdom.
Tsekleves, E., Libânio, C. de S., Yongsi, B., Hepburn, L.-A., Bofylatos, S., Lume, J. M., Meza, X., & Siek, P. (2022). Linking human and planetary health. DRS Biennial Conference Series.
Vignati, A., Lam, B., Azariadis, P., D’Ambrosio, S., & Bofylatos, S. (2022). Teaching design in emerging countries: A train-the-trainer methodology. DISCERN: International Journal of Design for Social Change, Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 3(1), 54–66.
Xenakis, I., Gavalas, D., Kasapakis, V., Dzardanova, E., & Vosinakis, S. (2022). Nonverbal Communication in Immersive Virtual Reality through the Lens of Presence: A Critical Review. PRESENCE: Virtual and Augmented Reality, 31, 147–187.


Arnellos, A., & Moreno, A. (2021). Visual Perception and the Emergence of Minimal Representation. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.
Bofylatos, S. (2021). Design and Spirituality: A Philosophy of Material Cultures by Stuart Walker. The Design Journal, 24(3), 471–475.
Bofylatos, S., Charoupia, H., Nikolakopoulou, V., & Xintarianos Tsiropinas, P. (2021). Design Perspectives. Placebeing on an Island in the Mediterranean. Pages on Arts and Design #21 – Design Values in the Mediterranean, 14, 307–328.
Mazzarella, F., & Bofylatos, S. (2021). Design for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship. DESIS Network Association.


Petrie, H., & Darzentas, J. S. (2020). Digital Technology for Older People: A Review of Recent Research. In S. J. Yates & R. E. Rice (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Digital Technology and Society (p. 0). Oxford University Press.
Xyntarianos Tsiropinas, P., & Bofylatos, S. (2020). Understanding the city as Habitat and Habitus. UXUC – User Experience and Urban Creativity, 1(2), 50–61.


Arnellos, A., & Keijzer, F. (2019). Bodily Complexity: Integrated Multicellular Organizations for Contraction-Based Motility. Frontiers in Physiology, 10.
Bofylatos, S., & Telalbasic, I. (2019). Service Startups and Creative Communities: Two Sides of the Same Coin? The Design Journal, 22(3), 239–256.
Canciani, M., Arnellos, A., & Moreno, A. (2019). Revising the Superorganism: An Organizational Approach to Complex Eusociality. Frontiers in Psychology, 10.
Darzentas, J., & Petrie, H. (2019). Patient Self-Service Paradigms in Hospital and Healthcare Service Design Settings. In M. A. Pfannstiel & C. Rasche (Eds.), Service Design and Service Thinking in Healthcare and Hospital Management: Theory, Concepts, Practice (pp. 447–462). Springer International Publishing.
Telalbasic, I., & Bofylatos, S. (2019). Designing the Invisible: An Introduction to Service Design, by Lara Penin. The Design Journal, 22(4), 551–556.


Arnellos, A. (2018). From Organizations of Processes to Organisms and Other Biological Individuals. In D. J. Nicholson & J. Dupré (Eds.), Everything Flows: Towards a Processual Philosophy of Biology (pp. 199–222). Oxford University Press.
Arnellos, A., & El-Hani, C. N. (2018). Emergence, Downward Causation, and No Brute Facts in Biological Systems. In Brute Facts (pp. 248–270). Oxford University Press.
Bofylatos, S. (2018). Bridging counter-culture grassroots initiatives with design. In Undesign. Routledge.
Xenakis, I. (2018). Reducing uncertainty in sustainable interpersonal service relationships: the role of aesthetics. Cognitive Processing, 19(2), 215–229.
Xyntarianos Tsiropinas, P., Spyrou, T., & Bofylatos, S. (2018). Remixing Heritage, a Case Study in the Application of Street Art in Cultural Capital. Sustainable Development, Culture, Traditions Journal, 1, 30–43.


Arnellos, A., & Xenakis, I. (2017). Aesthetic perception: A naturalistic turn. New Ideas in Psychology, 47, 77–79.
Bofylatos, S. (2017). Adopting a craft approach in the context of social innovation. Craft Research, 8(2), 223–240.
Bofylatos, S., & Spyrou, T. (2017). Meaning, knowledge and artifacts, giving a voice to tacit knowledge. The Design Journal, 20(sup1), S4422–S4433.
Keijzer, F., & Arnellos, A. (2017). The animal sensorimotor organization: a challenge for the environmental complexity thesis. Biology & Philosophy, 32(3), 421–441.
Xenakis, I., & Arnellos, A. (2017). Aesthetics as evaluative forms of agency to perceive and design reality: A reply to aesthetic realism. New Ideas in Psychology, 47, 166–174.


Arnellos, A. (2016). Biological Autonomy: Can a Universal and Gradable Conception be Operationalized? Biological Theory, 11(1), 11–24.
Arnellos, A., & Moreno, A. (2016). Integrating constitution and interaction in the transition from unicellular to multicellular organisms. In Multicellularity: Origins and Evolution (pp. 249–275). MIT Press.
Arnellos, A., & Moreno, Á. (2016). How functional differentiation originated in prebiotic evolution. Ludus Vitalis, 20(37), 1–23.
Bofylatos, S., & Spyrou, T. (2016). (De)Constructing counter-culture grass-roots initiatives and bridging them with design. In Undesign: Critical Practices at the Intersection of Art and Design. Routledge.
Bofylatos, S., & Spyrou, T. (2016). Supporting Design Dialogue through a Communication Framework Using Four Layers of Abstraction. The Design Journal, 19(2), 269–282.
Neuman, Y., Arnellos, A., & Nave, O. (2016). Sign-Mediated Concept Formation. The American Journal of Semiotics, 24(1/3), 107–123.


Arnellos, A., & Moreno, A. (2015). Multicellular agency: an organizational view. Biology & Philosophy, 30(3), 333–357.
Xenakis, I., & Arnellos, A. (2015). Aesthetics as an Emotional Activity That Facilitates Sense-Making: Towards an Enactive Approach to Aesthetic Experience. In A. Scarinzi (Ed.), Aesthetics and the Embodied Mind: Beyond Art Theory and the Cartesian Mind-Body Dichotomy (pp. 245–259). Springer Netherlands.


Arnellos, A., Moreno, A., & Ruiz-Mirazo, K. (2014). Organizational requirements for multicellular autonomy: insights from a comparative case study. Biology & Philosophy, 29(6), 851–884.
Xenakis, I., & Arnellos, A. (2014). Aesthetic perception and its minimal content: a naturalistic perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 5.


Arnellos, A., Ruiz-Mirazo, K., & Moreno, Á. (2013). Autonomy as a property that characterizes organisms among other multicellular systems. Contrastes. Revista Internacional de Filosofía.
Xenakis, I., & Arnellos, A. (2013). The relation between interaction aesthetics and affordances. Design Studies, 34(1), 57–73.


Arnellos, A., Bruni, L. E., El-Hani, C. N., & Collier, J. (2012). Anticipatory Functions, Digital-Analog Forms and Biosemiotics: Integrating the Tools to Model Information and Normativity in Autonomous Biological Agents. Biosemiotics, 5(3), 331–367.
Bich, L., & Arnellos, A. (2012). Autopoiesis, Autonomy, and Organizational Biology: Critical Remarks on “Life After Ashby.” Cybernetics & Human Knowing, 19(4), 75–103.
Petrie, H., & Darzentas, J. S. (2012). New technologies, new audiences: Addressing accessibility for older and disabled people in  the museum of the 21st century. La Vie Des Musees.
Xenakis, I., Arnellos, A., & Darzentas, J. (2012). The functional role of emotions in aesthetic judgment. New Ideas in Psychology, 30(2), 212–226.
Xenakis, I., Arnellos, A., Spyrou, T., & Darzentas, J. (2012). Modelling Aesthetic Judgment An Interactive-semiotic Perspective. Cybernetics & Human Knowing, 19(3), 25–51.
Zissis, D., Lekkas, D., & Arnellos, A. (2012). A Systems Theory Approach to Electronic Voting Complexity. In Active Citizen Participation in E-Government: A Global Perspective (p. 24). IGI Global.

Older Publications (2000 – 2012)

Arnellos, A., Lekkas, D., Zissis, D., Spyrou, T., & Darzentas, J. (2011). Fair digital signing: The structural reliability of signed documents. Computers & Security, 30(8), 580–596.
Koutsabasis, P., Stavrakis, M., Spyrou, T., & Darzentas, J. (2011). Perceived Impact of Asynchronous E-Learning After Long-Term Use: Implications for Design and Development. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 27(2), 191–213.
Arnellos, A., Spyrou, T., & Darzentas, J. (2010). Towards the naturalization of agency based on an interactivist account of autonomy. New Ideas in Psychology, 28(3), 296–311.
Koutsabasis, P., Vlachogiannis, E., & Darzentas, J. S. (2010). Beyond Specifications: Towards a Practical Methodology for Evaluating Web Accessibility. Journal of Usability Studies, 5(4), 16.
Arnellos, A., Spyrou, T., & Darzentas, I. (2010). Naturalising the Design Process: Autonomy and Interaction as Core Features. In M. M. K. Talmont-Kaminski (Ed.), Beyond Description: Naturalism and Normativity. College Publications.
Koutsabasis, P., Stavrakis, M., Viorres, N., Darzentas, J. S., Spyrou, T., & Darzentas, J. (2008). A descriptive reference framework for the personalisation of e-business applications. Electronic Commerce Research, 8(3), 173.
Arnellos, A., & Spyrou, T. (2008). Emergence and Downward Causation in Contemporary Artificial Agents: Implications for their Autonomy and Some Design Guidelines. Cybernetics & Human Knowing, 15(3–4), 15–41.
Darzentas, J. S. (2008). The design of accessible, usable and meaningful content. Volume 1: Explanatory Essay [Doctoral, City University London].
Darzentas, J., Vouros, G. A., Vosinakis, S., & Arnellos, A. (2008). Artificial Intelligence: Theories, Models and Applications. Springer.
Arnellos, Spyrou, & Darzentas, J. (2007). Exploring Creativity in the Design Process: A Systems-Semiotic Perspective. Cybernetics & Human Knowing, 14(1), 37–64.
Arnellos, A., Spyrou, T., & Darzentas, J. (2007). Cybernetic embodiment and the role of autonomy in the design process. Kybernetes, 36(9/10), 1207–1224.
El-Hani, C. N., Arnellos, A., & Queiroza, J. (2007). Modeling a Semiotic Process in the Immune System: Signal Transduction in B-cells Activation. TripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society, 5(2), 24–36.
Arnellos, A., Spyrou, T., & Darzentas, J. (2005). Meaning Needs Functional Emergence: Shedding novel light into difficult problems. 7.
Velasco, C. A., Mohamad, Y., Gilman, A. S., Viorres, N., Vlachogiannis, E., Arnellos, A., & Darzentas, J. S. (2004). Universal access to information services—the need for user information and its relationship to device profiles. Universal Access in the Information Society, 3(1), 88–95.
Bynum, T. W., Pouloudi, N., Rogerson, S., & Spyrou, T. (2004). Challenges for the citizen of the information society. University of the Aegean.
Konstantopoulos, M., Darzentas, J. S., Koutsabasis, P., Spyrou, T., & Darzentas, J. (2001). Towards Integration of Learning Objects Metadata and Learner Profiles Design: Lessons Learnt from GESTALT. Interactive Learning Environments, 9(3), 231–254.
Konstantopoulos, M., Spyrou, T., & Darzentas, J. (2001). The need for academic middleware to support advanced learning services. Computer Networks, 37(6), 773–781.
Konstantopoulos, M., Spyrou, T., Koutsabasis, P., Darzentas, J. s., Lambrinoudakis, C., & Darzentas, J. (2001). The role of directory services in online education delivery: the GESTALT example. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life Long Learning, 11(1–2), 5–24.



Pappas, R. A. (2024). Embracing Complexity: Reframing value sensitive design through a systemic design ethics perspective. Proceedings of Relating Systems Thinking and Design, RSD13.
Darzentas, J., & Darzentas, J. (2024). Structuring an Evolving/Emerging Curriculum for Design, Empowered and Grounded by Holistic Systemic Thinking. Proceedings of Relating Systems Thinking and Design, RSD13.
Pappas, R. A., Bofylatos, S., & Arnellos, A. (2024, July 13). Using design and design thinking to develop collaborative tools for ideation, synthesis and innovation – The eDea project experience. 19th Annual Hermoupolis Seminar on Information Society and the Knowledge Economy.
Pappas, R. A., & Charoupia, H. (2024, June 26). Re-Cyclades: A paradigm shift in managing plastic waste in the context of the island of Syros in the Cyclades. Social Innovations for Transformative Society 2024, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Pappas, R. A., Malisova, K., Stavrakis, M., & Bofylatos, S. (2024, May 16). Integrating Design Thinking with Value Sensitive Design through a Systems Thinking approach. P/References of Design, Budapest, Hungary.
Pappas, R. A. (2023, October 20). Towards Systemic Design Ethics. Proceedings of RSD12 Symposium. Relating Systems Thinking and Design Symposium.
Pappas, R. A., Xenakis, I., & Arnellos, A. (2022, December). Towards an organizational approach to design ethics. Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Conference on the Philosophy of Science. 7th Panhellenic Conference on the Philosophy of Science, Athens, Greece.
Kasapakis, V., Dzardanova, E., Nikolakopoulou, V., Vosinakis, S., Xenakis, I., & Gavalas, D. (2022). Exploring non-verbal cues and user attention in IVR with eye tracking technologies. Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Immersive Mixed and Virtual Environment Systems, 47–50.
Bofylatos, S., & Boukouvala, N. (2022, June 16). From wine tasting to materials sensorial perception: A framework for materials experience. DRS2022: Bilbao.
Sotirchos, M. A., Xenakis, I., & Arnellos, A. (2022). The organization and functionality of perception: A critique review. Proceedings of the 7th Hellenic Conference in Philosophy of Science. 7th Hellenic Conference in Philosophy of Science, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
Kasapakis, V., Dzardanova, E., Nikolakopoulou, V., Vosinakis, S., Xenakis, I., & Gavalas, D. (2021). Social Virtual Reality: Implementing Non-verbal Cues in Remote Synchronous Communication. In P. Bourdot, M. Alcañiz Raya, P. Figueroa, V. Interrante, T. W. Kuhlen, & D. Reiners (Eds.), Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality (pp. 152–157). Springer International Publishing.
Xyntarianos Tsiropinas, P., & Bofylatos, S. (2020). Understanding the city as Habitat and Habitus. UXUC – User Experience and Urban Creativity, 1(2), 50–61.
Lydakis, A. E., Darzentas, J., & Darzentas, J. S. (2020). Systems thinking in food security research. Proceedings of Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD9) 2020 Symposium., Ahmedabad, India.
Xyntarianos-Tsiropinas, P., Bailas, K., & Spyrou, T. (2019, July 1). Photon Painter: A robotic device that transfers drawings onto a large surface area using laser beam on photomechanical reaction materials. Proceedings of EVA London 2019.
Karadima, D., & Bofylatos, S. (2019). Co-living as a means to re-engagement. A literature review. 22, 751–762.
Bofylatos, S. (2019). Being safe is scary. Increasing precariousness in co-design. 22, 2239–2241.
Xyntarianos-Tsiropinas, P., Spyrou, T., & Bailas, K. (2018, July 1). Using Design to Support the Creation of Street Art: A three-phase experiment supported by the DDArtS system Paris. Electronic Visualisation and the Arts.
Bofylatos, S. (2018). Traces as service evidence. 12.
Gilligan, J., Chen, W., & Darzentas, J. (2018). Using MOOCs to Promote Digital Accessibility and Universal Design, the MOOCAP Experience. Transforming Our World Through Design, Diversity and Education, 78–86.
Petrie, H., Weber, G., Jadhav, C., & Darzentas, J. S. (2018). Issues of Culture in Designing for Accessibility. In T. Clemmensen, V. Rajamanickam, P. Dannenmann, H. Petrie, & M. Winckler (Eds.), Global Thoughts, Local Designs (pp. 55–67). Springer International Publishing.
Darzentas, J., Darzentas, J., De Bruin, A., Power, M., Prado, P., Carmien, S., & Hobbs, E. (2018). Systemic design in food security and resilience: Building a holon. Proceedings of RSD7, Relating Systems Thinking and Design 7, Turin, Italy.
Darzentas, J., & Petrie, H. (2018). Standards, Guidelines and Legislation Related to Self-service Technologies: Developments Since 2013. In K. Miesenberger & G. Kouroupetroglou (Eds.), Computers Helping People with Special Needs (pp. 295–302). Springer International Publishing.
Petrie, H., & Darzentas, J. (2018). Accessibility and Usability of Self-service Terminals, Technologies and Systems. In K. Miesenberger & G. Kouroupetroglou (Eds.), Computers Helping People with Special Needs (pp. 291–294). Springer International Publishing.
Petrie, H., Darzentas, J. S., & Carmien, S. (2018). Intelligent Support Technologies for Older People: An Analysis of Characteristics and Roles. In P. Langdon, J. Lazar, A. Heylighen, & H. Dong (Eds.), Breaking Down Barriers (pp. 89–99). Springer International Publishing.
Bofylatos, S., Kampasi, I., & Spyrou, T. (2018). Designing resilient creative communities through biomimetic service design. 206–219.
Darzentas, J., & Darzentas, J. (2018). Perspectives on systemic design: Examining heterogeneous relevant literature to provide a historical and ‘systemically inspired’ review. 376–386.
Tsesmetzoglou, O., Xyntarianos-Tsiropinas, P., & Spyrou, T. (2017). SAV-IT: A software tool for interpreting and presenting dynamic Street Art image maps. Proceedings of the 21st Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, 1–6.
Xyntarianos Tsiropinas, P., Bailas, K., & Spyrou, T. (2017, July 1). The Process of Transferring a Draft Sketch from Small to Large Scale in order to Create Street Artworks: A Case Study Supported by the “DDArtS” System. Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2017). Proceedings of Proceedings of EVA, London.
Petrie, H., & Darzentas, J. (2017). Older people and robotic technologies in the home: perspectives from recent research literature. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, 29–36.
Darzentas, J. S., Petrie, H., & Darzentas, J. (2017). Employing Service Design and Systems Thinking Approaches as tools to support collaboration across a multi-stakeholder initiative: the responsible food consumption exemplar. Relating Systems and Design Symposium 6, Norway.
Darzentas, J. S., Petrie, H., & Darzentas, J. (2017). Systems Thinking based Design intervention for supporting Healthy Ageing / Ageing-in-Place. Relating Systems and Design Symposium 6, Norway.
Petrie, H., & Darzentas, J. S. (2017). Older People’s Use of Tablets and Smartphones: A Review of Research. In M. Antona & C. Stephanidis (Eds.), Universal Access in Human–Computer Interaction. Design and Development Approaches and Methods (pp. 85–104). Springer International Publishing.
Tsesmetzoglou, O., Xyntarianos Tsiropinas, P., & Spyrou, T. (2017). SAVI Tool: a Software Tool for Interpreting and Presenting Dynamical Street Art Images’ Maps. ACM International Conf. Proceedings Series. PCI2017, 21st Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics, Larisa, Greece.
Xyntarianos-Tsiropinas, P., & Spyrou, T. (2016, July 1). DDArtS: Towards designing digitally enhanced street art tools. Electronic Visualisation and the Arts.
Darzentas, J., & Darzentas, J. (2016, June 17). Product-Service Systems or Service Design ‘By- Products’? A Systems Thinking Approach. DRS Biennial Conference Series. Future Focused Thinking – DRS International Conference 2016, Brighton, United Kingdom.
Koumoundourou, M., Koutsabasis, P., & Darzentas, J. S. (2016, June 17). Informing the design of mobile device-based patient instructions leaflets: the case of Fentanyl patches. DRS Biennial Conference Series. Future Focused Thinking – DRS International Conference 2016, Brighton, United Kingdom.
Stergiadou, Z., Darzentas, J., & Bofylatos, S. (2016, June 17). Designing for sustainability: a dialogue-based approach to the design of food packaging experiences. DRS Biennial Conference Series. Future Focused Thinking – DRS International Conference 2016, Brighton, United Kingdom.
Darzentas, J. (2016). Educating Students About Standardisation Relating to Universal Design. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 229, 180–188.
Bofylatos, S., Spyrou, T., Darzentas, J., & Darzentas, J. (2015, June 7). Designing an intensive programme based on Service Design and Design for Sustainability. Proceedings of the Cumulus Conference, Milano 2015. Cumulus – International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media 2015, Milan, Italy.
Darzentas, J., & Darzentas, J. (2015). Systems thinking for design thinking. Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD4) 2015 Symposium, Banff, Canada.
Gilligan, J., Chen, W., Kelle, S., & Darzentas, J. (2015). MOOCA: Massive Open Online Course for Accessibility. 13.
Darzentas, J., & Darzentas, J. (2014, June 16). Designers in complex problem solving: the contribution of Systems Thinking. DRS Biennial Conference Series. Design’s Big Debates – DRS International Conference 2014, Umeå, Sweden.
Darzentas, J. S., & Darzentas, J. (2014). Accessible self-service: a driver for innovation in service design? Proceedings of the Fourth Service Design and Service Innovation Conference, 12.
Petrie, H., Darzentas, J. S., & Power, C. (2014). Self-Service Terminals for Older and Disabled Users: Attitudes of Key Stakeholders. In K. Miesenberger, D. Fels, D. Archambault, P. Peňáz, & W. Zagler (Eds.), Computers Helping People with Special Needs (pp. 340–347). Springer International Publishing.
Petrie, H., Gallagher, B., & Darzentas, J. S. (2014). A Critical Review of Eight Years of Research on Technologies for Disabled and Older People. In K. Miesenberger, D. Fels, D. Archambault, P. Peňáz, & W. Zagler (Eds.), Computers Helping People with Special Needs (pp. 260–266). Springer International Publishing.
Darzentas, J. S., & Darzentas, J. (2014). The Design of Accessible Self-service Products, Systems and Services: Teaching Inclusive Design. 17.
Petrie, H., Gallagher, B., & Darzentas, J. (2014). Technology for Older People: A Critical Review. In C. Stephanidis (Ed.), HCI International 2014 – Posters’ Extended Abstracts (pp. 310–315). Springer International Publishing.
Darzentas, J., & Darzentas, J. (2014). Accelerating learning and adaptation at organizational and societal scales: Adopting design for all. Proceedings of RSD3, Third Symposium of Relating Systems Thinking to Design, Oslo, Norway.
Darzentas, J., & Darzentas, J. (2014). Systems thinking for service design: A natural partnership. Proceedings of RSD3, Third Symposium of Relating Systems Thinking to Design, Oslo, Norway.
Bofylatos, S., Spyrou, T., Darzentas, J. S., & Darzentas, J. (2013). Designing for Sustainability: A Generic Framework. 10th European Academy of Design Conference, 12.

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